Tuesday, October 21

Pray For Child

In the morning I woke up at 6.00 am. This is my usual time to read a bible before I go to work. I don`t know, why the other people can`t do this simple behavior. Yes, sometime I am bored, sometime my spirit weak. But I can`t descsribe about my experience, after I spared my time to read a Bible and pray a lot of things in my life, quickly somethings happened.My burden and my heavy laden become refresh. Because of that, I try best to bring nearer to God every day and keep read a Bible although my spirit some time down.

Today, my reflection tell about "Pray to Child" (Mark 7 : 24-30). Hehe.. I am still single. I don`t have any one yet. But I belive that we have to pray to our parent firstly, afterwards when sometime we getting married and have a kids, we must pray to them. Pray everything in their life, their society, and the important things is they keep Jesus as their Savior all the time and always keep God Words. Keep Praying.
God Blessed Us.

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